Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Breaking Up Without Hurting

Rejection always hurts. No matter how much you sugar coat the truth, it always upsets the two souls who used to be in love. It is definitely better to end relationships amicably instead of fretting and fuming and making it even more difficult to go apart. No doubt it will be extremely painful and difficult to let go. But,if you are where you think your relation is not going the right way and you are thinking how to break off without hurting, you have come to the right place. Read on tips for breaking off without hurting yourself and the other person.

Breaking Up Without Hurting
  • Make it Personal - NEVER break the news through a phone call, e-mail, or text message. It becomes even more rude and very impersonal and tells the other person that you don't really care. Sit and talk to each other face-to-face and sort things out amicably.
  • Choose the Right Location – Deciding on the correct location is very important to ward off any uncomfortable feelings and any inconveniences. If possible decide on a neutral location like a cafĂ© or if this is not possible, do it at the other person’s house. This is because if you do it at your place, it will be like asking him to leave your place after the formalities are over. Breaking off at his place will be easier as it will be you who is physically leaving.
  • Be Honest - Being sincere and open about your feelings and talking about why you feel it is not going to work out is the best way to end a relation. Instead of going back in time and arguing what went wrong with the other person, it better you say what you feel. Don't hide your feelings and be honest about why you are feeling uncomfortable in the relationship.
  • Specify Reasons - Give a strong reason to support your break up. It is not wise to keep the other person wondering as to what went wrong. No one wants to think that they were just used as a time pass. Remember, what goes around, comes back. Someday you could be in the same position.
  • Control your Temper - This applies not only to the person who is giving the news of break up, but also the person at the receiving end. There is no need to get worked up and get angry at each other. Calling names and screaming does not help, it only makes things worse. It is okay to get upset and cry if you are feeling miserable. But creating a scene and making a further mess of a delicate situation does not help.

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

"They say when you are missing someone that they are probably feeling the same, but I don't think it's possible for you to miss me as much as I'm missing you right now"
- Source Unknown

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Kisah Cinta Sylvia ~

diambil dari kisah nyata.

Pada suatu hari, ada seorang gadis cantik bernama Sylvia. Saat dia sedang di hutan, tiba-tiba ada cowok nyasar dari korea menghampirinya. Namanya Efran. Efran mengajak Sylvia berkenalan dan semenjak itu mereka pun semakin dekat dan mereka saling suka.

Sampai akhirnya, suatu hari Efran menyatakan perasaan nya ke Sylvia. Sylvia ditembak(tapi nggak mati hahaha). Karena Sylvia juga memiliki perasaan yang sama dia pun menerima Efran sebagai pacarnya.
Tapi, hubungan mereka tidak langgeng. Baru 2 minggu mereka berpacaran tiba-tiba Efran meninggalkan Sylvia begitu saja dengan alasan karena Sylvia mau pindah ke desa yang sangat jauh. Padahal alasan sebenernya karena Efran menyukai gadis lain. Sylvia sedih & sakit hati sekali. Sylvia sudah sangat menyayangi Efran walaupun hubungan mereka baru 2 minggu. Efran tidak memikirkan perasaan Sylvia. Dia tidak peduli lagi dengan Sylvia. Efran tidak mengabari Sylvia lagi. Efran sudah tidak tau dimana. Sylvia sangat kecewa. Sylvia sangat merindukan Efran tapi Efran malah bersenang2 dengan gadis lain. Sylvia coba melupakan Efran tapi sangat susah. Walaupun susah Sylvia tetap berusaha. Seiring dengan berjalan nya waktu, Sylvia pun mulai bisa melupakan Efran. Hari-hari Sylvia lebih terasa menyenangkan. Dia mengisi hari-harinya dengan berbagai kegiatan positif sehingga Efran pun bisa terlupakan. Tapi, saat dia mulai bisa melupakan Efran, Efran muncul di tv. Dia menjadi penyanyi smish(?). Sylvia sangat kaget. Saat Sylvia melihat Efran di tv perasaannya campur aduk. Sylvia senang karena bisa melihat Efran lagi tapi Sylvia masih kesal dan sedih. Setelah melihat Efran di tv, Sylvia jadi sering galau. Teman-temannya selalu menghiburnya dan berusaha membuat Sylvia bisa melupakan Efran. Berkat teman-temannya, Sylvia akhirnya bisa kembali ceria dan perlahan lahan dia mulai bisa melupakan Efran lagi.

Tak terasa sudah waktunya Sylvia harus pindah ke Desa Suramaju. Sylvia hidup bahagia disana. Sylvia sudah melupakan Efran. Tapi disaat Sylvia sudah bisa ngelupain dan move on, Efran tiba-tiba mengabari Sylvia tentang keadaannya dan Efran ngajak balikan. Sylvia sangat bimbang. Sylvia bingung apa yang harus dilakukan. Menerima Efran kembali atau menolaknya??????


Selasa, 03 Mei 2011